Conference Program
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, 34469, Maslak/Istanbul, Idris Yamanturk Conference Hall, Room: 1304Please click here to see pdf booklet of program (Nov 6th 2015)
Wednesday, November 4th
08:45 | Registration |
09:20 | Opening |
09:30 | Invited Keynote: Tuvi Etzion On the structure of q-Steiner systems Chair: Alfred Wassermann |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Invited Tutorial: Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou Resource allocation strategies for network-coded service delivery over LTE/LTE-A systems Chair: Mario Pavcevic |
12:15 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Invited Keynote: Francisco A. Monteiro Signal processing in the upcoming wireless networks: Untangling signals in space, in spectrum, and network coded Chair: Tuvi Etzion |
Session IChair: Camilla Hollanti |
14:30 | Leo Storme A geometrical bound for the sunflower property |
14:55 | Daniele Bartoli Algebraic curves and random network codes |
15:20 | Francesco Pavese Veronese subspace codes |
15:45 | Coffee Break |
16:15 | Daniel Heinlein Tables for sizes of largest known codes in network coding |
16:40 | Kamil Otal and Ferruh Özbudak Cyclic subspace codes via subspace polynomials |
Thursday, November 5th
09:00 | Invited Keynote: Joachim Rosenthal Cryptanalyis of McEliece type public key systems based on Gabidulin codes Chair: Wolfgang Willems |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
Session IIChair: Leo Storme |
10:30 | Wolfgang Willems On self-dual MDS codes |
10:55 | Eimear Byrne On the covering radius of rank metric codes |
11:20 | Alberto Ravagnani Generalized rank weights |
11:45 | Selahattin Gökceli Network coded cooperation testbed: Implementation and performance results |
12:15 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Invited Keynote: Natalia Silberstein Access-optimal MSR codes with optimal sub-packetization over small fields Chair: Joachim Rosenthal |
Session IIIChair: Angeles Vazquez de Castro |
14:55 | Vedrana Mikulić Crnković On self-orthogonal binary codes invariant under the action of the Held group |
15:20 | Ragnar Freij Weight enumeration of cooperative locally repairable codes |
15:45 | Coffee Break |
16:15 | Nalin D. K Jayakody, Vitaly Skachek Network-coded soft forwarding-based distributed LDPC coding scheme |
16:40 | David Karpuk Strong secrecy in wireless network coding systems from structured interference |
Social Program |
19:00 | Gala DinnerLocation: Please click to see the location. |
Friday, November 6th
09:00 | Invited Keynote: Frank Fitzek Network coding for the real World! Chair: Dejan Vukobratovic |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
Session IVChair: Eimear Byrne |
10:30 | Alfred Wassermann Construction of new large sets of designs over the binary field |
10:55 | Andrea Švob Designs on which the unitary group ${U}(3; 3)$ acts transitively |
11:20 | Oliver Wilhelm Gnilke Mosaics and their $q$-analogues |
11:45 | Leo Storme Improvement of the sunflower bound for 1-intersecting constant dimension subspace codes |
12:10 | Closing Remarks - Lunch Break |
13:45 | MC Meeting (EHM Department Meeting Room - 2309) |
Invited Talks
On the structure of q‑Steiner systems
Tuvi Etzion
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
The interest in q-analogs of codes and designs has been increased in the last few years as a consequence of their new application in error-correction for random network coding. One of the most intriguing problems is the existence question of an infinite family of q‑analog of Steiner systems in general, and the existence question for q‑analog for the Fano plane in particular. We start with a short survey on the motivation and the known results in this area. We exhibit a new method to attack this problem. In the process we define a new family of designs whose existence is implied from the existence of q-analog of Steiner systems, but their existence can be also independent. We present necessary conditions for the existence for such designs, trivial constructions for such designs, and a nontrivial recursive construction. We consider the structure of the q-Fano plane for any given q and conclude that most of its structure is known. Even so, we are unable to determine whether it exists or not. A special attention is given for the case q = 2 which was considered by most researchers before.
Tuvi Etzion received the B.A., M.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees from the Technion - Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, in 1980, 1982, and 1984, respectively.
From 1984 he held a position in the Department of Computer Science at the Technion,
where he has a Professor position. During the years 1985-1987 he was Visiting Research Pro-
fessor with the Department of Electrical Engineering - Systems at the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles. During the summers of 1990 and 1991 he was visiting Bellcore in
Morristown, New Jersey. During the years 1994-1996 he was a Visiting Research Fellow in
the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway College, Egham, England. He also
had several visits to the Coordinated Science Laboratory at University of Illinois in Urbana-
Champaign during the years 1995-1998, two visits to HP Bristol during the summers of 1996,
2000, a few visits to the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California at
San Diego during the years 2000-2012, and several visits to the Mathematics Department at
Royal Holloway College, Egham, England, during the years 2007-2009.
His research interests include applications of discrete mathematics to problems in com-
puter science and information theory, coding theory, and combinatorial designs.
Network coding for the real World!
Frank Fitzek
Technische Universität Dresden
Network coding breaking with old fashioned end to end codes and provides new possibilities for communication systems. Especially for upcoming 5G communication networks, network coding has been identified as key technology as it provides higher throughput, lowedelays, and is able to operate in dynamic settings. This talk will highlight several implementation of network coding targeting transportation and storage use cases based on the world's fastest software library for network coding named KODO. The talk will also show where network coding is becoming part of standardisation activities.
Frank H. P. Fitzek is a Professor and chair of the communication networks group at Technische Universität Dresden coordinating the 5G Lab Germany. He received his diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in electrical engineering from the University of Technology - Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) - Aachen, Germany, in 1997 and his Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University Berlin, Germany in 2002 and became Adjunct Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy in the same year. In 2003 he joined Aalborg University as Associate Professor and later became Professor. He co-founded several start-up companies starting with acticom GmbH in Berlin in 1999. He has visited various research institutes including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), VTT, and Arizona State University. In 2005 he won the YRP award for the work on MIMO MDC and received the Young Elite Researcher Award of Denmark. He was selected to receive the NOKIA Champion Award several times in a row from 2007 to 2011. In 2008 he was awarded the Nokia Achievement Award for his work on cooperative networks. In 2011 he received the SAPERE AUDE research grant from the Danish government and in 2012 he received the Vodafone Innovation price. His current research interests are in the areas of wireless and mobile 5G communication networks, mobile phone programming, network coding, cross layer as well as energy efficient protocol design and cooperative networking.
[Presentation PDF link]Signal processing in the upcoming wireless networks: Untangling signals in space, in spectrum, and network coded
Francisco A. Monteiro
University Institute of Lisbon and Institute of Telecommunications
For decades interference was widely considered to be a nuisance to communications links. Nowadays, the existence of signal interference underpins most of the growth of maximum data rates and the overall capacity increase of the future 5th generation of wireless systems. The existence of multipath fading in wireless communications was deemed to make the wireless channels even more challenging. In the past decade or so the advent of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications turned multipath fading from foe to ally, as multiple virtual independent links could be created in the spatial domain between multi-antenna terminals. Given the orthogonality properties of massive MIMO, the number of antennas at a base station can soon rise to hundreds delivering unprecedented spectral efficiency. Today, most radio engineering textbooks still state that bidirectional links always imply splitting the available bandwidth or slotting the time between the two directions. Signal processing techniques are now contributing to the emergence of in-band full-duplex terminals and relays for wireless networks. Both massive MIMO and in-band full-duplex can therefore be seen along with physical layer network coding as three ways of taking advantage of signals’ interference. This talk will show that they can all be put together to dramatically increase the re-use of the channel resources in some fundamental networking configurations.
Francisco Monteiro is an Assistant Professor at the Dep. of Information Science and Technology at the University Institute of Lisbon and a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações in Lisbon, Portugal. He received his Eng. degree and MSc in 1998 and 2003 respectively, both from IST, University of Lisbon, where he then became a Teaching Assistant. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2011. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (Canada) and a visiting researcher at Lancaster University (UK). He has won two best paper prizes awards at IEEE conferences (2004 and 2007), a Young Engineer Prize from the Portuguese Engineers Institution in 2002 (Ordem dos Engenheiros), and in 2014 was one of the recipients of the Exemplary Reviewer Award from the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He co-edited the book "MIMO Processing for 4G and Beyond: Fundamentals and Evolution", published by CRC Press / Taylor and Francis Group, in 2014. He is the principal investigator of the project “L-DimM-NetCod: Large-Dimensional MIMO Physical Layer Network Coding” funded by FCT (Portugal). Presently he is the lead guest editor of a special issue of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing focused on Network Coding. He acts as a frequent reviewer for a number of IEEE journals and conferences, and has been serving in the organising committees of relevant IEEE and EURASIP conferences (tutorial chair and organising a number of special sessions).
[Presentation PDF link]Cryptanalyis of McEliece type public key systems based on Gabidulin codes
Joachim Rosenthal
University of Zurich
Assymmetric ciphers based on hard decoding problems
belong to the most prominent public key ciphers
in the post-quantum crypto area. This is based on the hope
that their security might still exist even if a quantum
computer is ever built. Since the original paper of Robert McEliece
many variants have been proposed and crypto-analysed.
In this talk we will study public key ciphers where the public key
represents a disguised Gabidulin code. Using geometric ideas
we will introduce a new attack which is capable of breaking
several variants proposed in the literature.
Joachim Rosenthal is Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Zürich.
He received the Diplom in Mathematics from the University of Basel in 1986 and the Ph.D. in Mathematics from Arizona State University in 1990.
From 1990 until 2006 he has been with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame, where he has been last "The Notre Dame Chair in Applied Mathematics" and Concurrent Professor of Electrical Engineering.
In the academic year 1994/1995 he spent a sabbatical year at CWI the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During the academic year 1999/2000 he was a Guest Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, affiliated with the School of Computer & Communication Sciences .
His current research interests are in coding theory and cryptography. In coding theory he is interested in convolutional codes, LDPC codes and more general codes on graphs. In cryptography his main interest lies in the construction of new oneway trapdoor functions.
He is currently on the editorial board of Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC), Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (JAA), International Journal of Information and Coding Theory (IJOCT) and Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications.
Access-optimal MSR codes with optimal sub-packetization over small fields
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
This work presents a new construction of access-optimal minimum storage regenerating codes which attain the sub-packetization bound. These distributed storage codes provide the minimum storage in a node, and in addition have the following two important properties: first, a helper node accesses the minimum number of its symbols for repair of a failed node; second, given storage $\ell$ in each node, the entire stored data can be recovered from any $2\log \ell$ (any $3\log\ell$) for 2 parity nodes (for 3 parity nodes, respectively). The goal of this work is to provide a construction of such optimal codes over the smallest possible finite fields. Our construction is based on perfect matchings of complete graphs and hypergraphs, and on a rational canonical form of matrices which constitute a generator matrix of the constructed codes. The field size required for our construction is significantly smaller when compared to previously known codes.
Natalia Silberstein received her B.A. degree in Computer Science (cum laude), B.A. degree in Mathematics (cum laude), M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics (summa cum laude), and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technion —- Israel Institute of Technology, in 2004, 2007, and 2011, respectively. She then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow in the Wireless Networking and Communications Group, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Computer Science Department at the Technion.
Her research focuses on coding for distributed storage systems, network coding, algebraic error-correcting codes, applications of combinatorial designs and graphs to coding theory.
Invited Tutorial
Resource allocation strategies for network-coded service delivery over LTE/LTE-A systems
Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou
Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Network coding has the potential to significantly improve network reliability by mixing packets at a source node or at intermediate network nodes prior to transmission. In the first part of this talk, the concept of network coding will be quickly reviewed and extended to various cases including systematic, layered and sparse network coding. Performance expressions that describe the decoding probability of each case will be presented and discussed. The second part of the tutorial will use the derived performance expressions in resource allocation models, which can be easily adapted to the Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) standard and its 5G features. More specifically, the idea of unequal error protection will form part of a resource allocation framework, whose objective can be either provider-centric or user-centric. In the former case, the provider can optimise the number of transmitted coded packets and the adopted modulation and coding scheme in order to offer a service to a minimum fraction of users without violating an existing service lever agreement. In the latter case, the aim is to maximise the ratio between the number of recoverable layers by the users (user’s profit) and the total number of coded packet transmissions (provider's cost). The impact of the adopted network coding method on performance and the effect of sparse network coding on packet transmissions and decoding complexity will also be discussed.
The tutorial consists of two parts. The first part will create links between communication theory and random matrix theory over finite fields and present a step-by-step methodology for obtaining theoretical expressions, which describe the performance of various network-coded systems. The objective of the second part is to build on the derived theoretical expressions, develop realistic resource allocation frameworks and consider LTE-A networks as a case of study in order to demonstrate the practical implication of network coding in real-world systems. The tutorial is suitable for graduate students and researchers from both academic and industrial sectors in the area of information theory, communication theory and networking.
Part I – Description and Performance Evaluation of Network-Coded Systems
- Fundamentals of Random Network Coding (RNC) – The concept and terminology of random network coding will be introduced and its two main types, namely inter-session and intra-session network coding, will be presented. Techniques for RNC decoding will be discussed and fundamental performance expressions that characterise the probability of successfully recovering a source message will be analysed.
- Systematic vs. non-systematic RNC – This subpart discusses the benefits of transmitting source packets that are not network-coded along with linear combinations of source packets. We derive analytical expressions for the success probability and prove that systematic RNC can both reduce decoding processing and achieve a success probability that is better or at least similar to that of non-systematic RNC, depending on the number of source packets in the original message.
- RNC for layered services – If a source message comprises packets of different priority layers or importance levels, the concept of “windowing” can be used to offer unequal error protection. We will focus on RNC using either non-overlapping windows or expanding windows, discuss their advantages and disadvantages and obtain expressions that accurately describe the decoding probability of each layer as well as the whole source message.
- Special structures of random linear matrices suitable for network-coded systems – The structure of random matrices over finite fields of size q plays a pivotal role in the design and performance of network codes. Specific ‘constrained’ designs will be considered, e.g. block angular matrices as well as matrices having a step structure, the probability of them being full rank will be examined and their application in window-based decoding and relay-aided networks will be presented.
- Sparse RNC – The literature usually assumes that network coding selects coefficients from a finite field of size q in a uniformly random fashion when source packets are combined. In this subpart, we consider the case of zero coefficients being selected with a higher probability than the remaining (q-1) coefficients and we present accurate bounds on the decoding probability of sparse RNC. Furthermore, we hint at the possibility of adjusting the sparsity of RNC as a means to trade transmit power for decoding speed. This claim is substantiated in Part II of this tutorial.
- 3GPP’s Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) – In the short-term, LTE-A is likely to play a leading role not only in 4G networks but also in the 5G ecosystem. In particular, the ability that LTE-A has of managing broadcast and multicast communications via the eMBMS frameworks are likely to be adopted into next-generation systems. In spite of its natural complexity, we will explain how the resources of the MAC and PHY layers can be mapped onto simple topologies in a bin-packing context and how the system’s Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be mapped onto a constraint set.
- Optimising with respect to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) or with respect to the users – ISP-centric optimisation and user-centric optimisation represent two extremes in the Operational Research applied to wireless networks. In this subpart, by referring to a fundamental economic principle, we will clarify how network coding could be integrated into the LTE-A stack and explain how hybrid strategies, which meet the desired SLAs constraints and are fair with respect to the ISP and the users, can be defined.
- Computationally efficient Sparse RLNC (S-RNC) strategies for ultra-reliable multicast services – In a network composed by low-end communication devices (e.g. wireless sensors), the optimisation of radio resources should not be our only concern. The computational requirements for the processing of the received information in order to recover the transmitted messages should also play a key role. In this subpart, we will adopt S-RNC and show how to model and optimise both the transmission parameters and the sparsity of the network code in order to minimise the processing footprint in the case of ultra-reliable services.
Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou ( is a Lecturer in Communications Systems at the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University (UK). He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) in 1997, the MSc degree in Satellite Communication Engineering from the University of Surrey (UK) in 2000 and the PhD degree from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2007. Prior to his appointment at Lancaster University, he held research positions at the University of Cambridge and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), respectively. He is the principal investigator on the EPSRC-funded project “R2D2: Rapid and Reliable Data Delivery” ( that looks into theoretical and practical aspects of network coding and is a member of the COST Action IC1104. He has published 40 journal and conference papers on communication theory with an emphasis on forward error correction, relay-aided communications, cooperative networks and network coding.
[Tutorial PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]Contributed Talks
Ordered alphabetically by last name
Algebraic curves and random network codes
Daniele Bartoli
Ghent University
(Joint work with Matteo Bonini and Massimo Giulietti)
In their seminal paper [1], Koetter and Kschischang introduced a metric on the set of vector spaces and showed that if the dimension of the intersections of the vector spaces is large enough then a minimal distance decoder for this metric achieves correct decoding. In particular, given an $r$-dimensional vector space $V$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$, the set $\mathcal{S}(V)$ of all subspaces of $V$ forms a metric space with respect to the subspace distance defined by $$d(U,U') = \dim(U + U') - \dim(U \cap U').$$ In this context the main problem asks for the determination of the larger size of codes in the space $(\mathcal{S}(V),d)$ with given minimum distance.
Recently, Hansen [2] presented a construction of random network codes based on Riemann-Roch spaces associated to algebraic curves, describing the parameters of these codes.
We generalize this construction and we obtain new infinite families of random network codes from algebraic curves.
[1] R. Koetter, F.R. Kschischang. Coding for errors and erasures in random network coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(8), (2008) 3579--3591.
[2] J.P. Hansen. Riemann-Roch spaces and linear network codes,
Equidistant codes, Algebraic curves.[Abstract PDF link]
On the covering radius of rank metric codes
Eimear Byrne
University College Dublin
The covering radius of rank metric codes has recently emerged as a significant parameter in network coding problems. For coded-caching problems in particular, it gives a measure of the performance of codes $\{C^{(i)} < {\mathbb F}_q^n : i \in [m]\}$ chosen by the sender to encode data cached in proximity to $m$ different receivers during the placement phase; the existence of an optimal rank-metric covering code for a given set of parameters guarantees that the sender can satisfy all receivers' demands with a minimal number of transmissions during the delivery phase. Such a code is formed by taking a direct sum $C = C^{(1)}\oplus \cdots \oplus C^{(m)}$ of users' codes and can be expressed as \begin{equation}\label{eqcode} C= \left\{ \left[ \begin{array}{c} X_1 \\ \vdots \\ X_m \\ \end{array} \right] : X_i \in C^{(i)} < {\mathbb F}_q^n, i \in [m] \right\} \subset {\mathbb F}_q^{m \times n}. ~~~~~~~~ (1) \end{equation} While the covering radius for the Hamming distance has been well studied, relatively little has appeared in the literature on this measure with respect to the rank distance. An exception to this is the work of Gadouleau and Zhiyuan Yan, who gave bounds on the ${\mathbb F}_q$-rank distance covering radius of ${\mathbb F}_{q^n}$-linear codes with a focus on maximum rank distance (MRD) codes. However, such codes form a proper subclass of the set of all matrix codes over ${\mathbb F}_q$ and furthermore do not have the form of the code $C$ that arises in coded-caching.
In this work, we give bounds on the rank distance covering radius of the general class of $m \times n$ matrix codes over ${\mathbb F}_q$ and of the subclass of such codes of the form $(1)$. Some of these results can be achieved by using the machinery of association schemes developed by Delsarte.
rank distance, covering radius.[Abstract PDF link]
Weight enumeration of cooperative locally repairable codes
Ragnar Freij
Aalto University
(Joint work with Camilla Hollanti and Thomas Westerbäck)
Cooperative locally repairable codes have recently gathered wide interest, both for their applications in large scale distributed storage systems, and for their purely mathematical properties. In this talk, we will analyze locally repairable codes from the perspective of the strong connection between linear codes and matroids, and more generally between arbitrary codes and polymatroids. Well known techniques to calculate Tutte and rank polynomials of matroids are applied to the weight enumeration polynomials on locally repairable codes, which in terms give results on the possible field sizes over which given localities can be achieved. We also consider a (to our knowledge) new generalization of locally repairable codes, where the repair can be performed on several different scales, further enhancing the robustness of a storage system.
Locally repairable codes, Matroids, Weight enumeration, Tutte polynomial.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Mosaics and their $q$-analogues
Oliver Wilhelm Gnilke
University College Dublin
(Joint work with Marcus Greferath and Mario Osvin Pavčević)
We will motivate the definition of a new combinatorial object called mosaics. A mosaic is a collection of $c$ $t-$designs of equal sizes (points and blocks) together with an ordering of their blocks such that the blocks partition the point set. A small example stemming from the Fano plane can be described by the following incidence matrix.
Each of the 'colors' $0, 1, 2$ represents a $t-$design on $7$ points with $7$ blocks.
After presenting a handful of examples and constructions we will outline a few general properties and open questions. The appropriate generalization to the $q$-analogue case will be presented along with an almost trivial example. We conclude with a version of the famous $S_2(2,3,13)$ Steiner Systems by Braun et al., and show that it gives rise to a $q$‑mosaic.
Combinatorial Designs, Affine Geometry.[Abstract PDF link]
Network coded cooperation testbed: Implementation and performance results
Selahattin Gökceli
Istanbul Technical University
(Joint work with Semiha Tedik Başaran and Güneş Karabulut Kurt)
Conventional usage of the network coding mostly covers wired network infrastructures, where transmission errors between nodes are negligible. However, when considering wireless networks, the use of network coding in the conventional case does not fully exploit its potential. Beyond the challenges introduced through the wireless channel impairments, we can exploit the spatial diversity gain provided by the broadcast nature of the wireless channels. In this work, we design and implement a network coded cooperation (NCC) system that operates in real-time through the use of software defined radio nodes. We target wireless networks. Our system is based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), that provides a practical means to enable high transmission rates through the use of narrowband subcarriers. The developed testbed is composed of three source nodes, a relay node and two destination nodes. The transmission of this NCC-OFDMA system is completed in two phases; the broadcast and the relaying phases. Multiplexing of source nodes' signals is achieved by using OFDMA. In the broadcast phase, OFDMA signal is transmitted to relay and destination nodes. In the relaying phase, the relay node first detects the OFDMA signal, generates network coded symbols and then transmits these symbols to destination nodes. At the end of these two phases, the destination nodes determine the source nodes' signals by using combining detectors. % Both the uncoded and network coded symbols which are received in broadcast and relaying phases, respectively, are used by the destination nodes when performing ML detection. We demonstrate with real-time bit error rate and error vector magnitude measurements that the NCC-OFDMA system can significantly improve the communication quality and robustness, while enabling data transmission between multiple users. Due to the provided benefit of improved radio resource usage efficiency, some features of this implemented NCC-OFDMA system have the potential to be included in future networks.
Network coded cooperation, Wireless Networks.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Tables for sizes of largest known codes in network coding
Daniel Heinlein
University of Bayreuth
(Joint work with Michael Kiermaier, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
Kötter and Kschischang introduced a new approach of network coding by converting data in subspaces of a common vector space $\mathbb{F}_q^n$. It is possible to define a metric (the so-called subspace metric $d(U,V):=\dim(U+V)-\dim(U \cap V)$) on the set of all subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$. The topic is therefore accessible for ideas of coding theory.
The maximum size of a code is denoted by $A_q(n,d)$.
In the case of constant dimension codes, all such subspaces have the same dimension $k$ and the maximum size of these codes is called $A_q(n,d;k)$.
In my talk, I present a homepage that contains
- lower bounds on $A_q(n,d)$ and $A_q(n,d;k)$ due to constructions or theoretical arguments,
- upper bounds on them due to theoretical arguments,
- downloadable codes in special cases and
- an API that can be accessed to retrieve the informations in a program
This project is ongoing work and your contributions are welcome: new or missing results can and should be submitted to increase the strength of the bounds.
Network Coding, tabulated sizes of codes.[Abstract PDF link]
Network-coded soft forwarding-based distributed LDPC coding scheme
Nalin D. K Jayakody, Vitaly Skachek
University of Tartu, Tartu, ESTONIA
The cooperative communication is an efficient tool to combat channel fading and enhance transmission rate by exploiting spatial degree of freedom. In the wireless relay communication, a relay overhears the source transmissions, performs signal processing on the received signals, and forwards it to the destination.
The main focus of the early literature was on two relaying protocols, namely amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF). In the AF, the relay amplifies the signal before forwarding it to the destination. In the DF relaying, the relay makes a decision based on the received signal. AF protocol suffers from noise propagation as the relay forwards noisy signals without processing. In the DF protocol, the relay decodes the source’s messages and forwards them to the destination. In the case of erroneous decoding at the relay, these errors will propagate to the destination, causing a loss in diversity gain.
A more advanced relay protocol, based on forwarding of the soft information, is called estimate-and-forward, and it is used to obtain a better error performance. In this relay protocol, the relay estimates and forwards intermediate soft symbols. The term “soft symbol” generally refers to a continuous-valued estimate of a constellation symbol, usually incorporating probabilistic or “reliability” information. While the most common mechanism for computing the soft symbol is via the expected value of the constellation symbol based on the (known or estimated) probabilities of the underlying bits.
This paper proposes a novel technique of spatially-coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) code-based soft forwarding relaying scheme for a multiple access relay system. We introduce an array based optimized SC-LDPC codes in relay channels. We show that the combination of channel coding and network-coded SIR can be seen as a distributed coding scheme. In order to mitigate the error-propagation due to the erroneous decoding at the relay, we propose a new method for modelling the soft estimated symbols. We also propose a new soft encoding algorithm for this system which overcome the disadvantages of recursive soft encoders proposed in the literature. The calculation of the received Log-Likelihood-Ratios at the destination is derived according to the proposed model. For the SC-LDPC based network coding operation at the relay, we consider two alternative methods, which offer a trade-off between the implementation complexity and the performance, called superposition and soft network coding. Several simulation results show that network-coded SIR-based DCS using the proposed model outperforms those using other well-known relay protocol techniques in terms of the BER performance.
[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Strong secrecy in wireless network coding systems from structured interference
David Karpuk
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
(Joint work with Arsenia Chorti)
Wireless network coding (WNC) has been proposed for next generation networks. In this contribution, we investigate WNC schemes with embedded strong secrecy by exploiting structured interference in relay networks with two users and a single relay. In a practical scenario where both users employ finite, uniform signal input distributions we compute the corresponding strong secrecy capacity, and make this explicit when PAM modems are used. We then describe a simple triple binning encoder that can provide strong secrecy close to capacity with respect to an untrustworthy relay in the single antenna and single relay setting. An explicit encoder construction is described when M-PAM or M-QAM modulators are employed at the users' transmitters. Lastly we generalize to a MIMO relay channel where the relay has more antennas than the users, and optimal precoding matrices are studied. Our results establish that the design of WNC transmission schemes with enhanced throughput and guaranteed data confidentiality is feasible in next generation systems.
Wireless network coding, secrecy capacity, strong secrecy, signal space alinement, triple binning encoder.[Abstract PDF link]
On self-orthogonal binary codes invariant under the action of the Held group
Vedrana Mikulić Crnković
University of Rijeka, Croatia
(Joint work with Dean Crnković and Bernardo G. Rodrigues)
We construct self-orthogonal 1-designs from the sporadic simple group $\mathbf{He}$ with large number of points. Furthermore, we define binary codes of the constructed designs and analyse their properties.
1-designs, self-orthogonal codes, Held's group.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Cyclic subspace codes via subspace polynomials
Kamil Otal and Ferruh Özbudak
Middle East Technical University
Subspace codes have been intensely studied in the last decade due to their application in random network coding. Cyclic subspace codes are very useful subspace codes with efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In this study we give some new results and improvements on cyclic subspace codes using subspace polynomials.
In a recent paper (arXiv:1404.7739v3) the authors have studied on subspace codes using their subspace polynomial representations. They give an explicit construction of cyclic codes of size $n$ times the size of a full length orbit where $n$ is a prime dividing the length. In this study we generalize their construction and increase the size up to $q^n-1$ times the size of a full length orbit, using this generalization we also relax some of their assumptions, for example $n$ does not have to be prime any more. We also use different kind of subspace polynomials, in that way we provide diverse values for the length parameter.
Linearized polynomials, subspace polynomials, subspace codes, constant dimension codes, cyclic subspace codes.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Veronese subspace codes
Francesco Pavese
University of Basilicata
(Joint work with A. Cossidente)
Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space over ${\rm GF}(q)$, $q$ any prime power. The set $S(V)$ of all subspaces of $V$, or subspaces of the projective space ${\rm PG}(V)$, forms a metric space with respect to the subspace distance defined by $d_s(U,U')=\dim (U+U')- \dim(U\cap U')$. In the context of subspace codes, the main problem is to determine the largest possible size of codes in the space $(S(V),d_s)$ with a given minimum distance, and to classify the corresponding optimal codes. The interest in these codes is a consequence of the fact that codes in the projective space and codes in the Grassmannian over a finite field referred to as subspace codes and constant-dimension codes, respectively, have been proposed for error control in random linear network coding.
An $(n,M,d;k)_q$ constant-dimension subspace code (CDC) is a set $\cal C$ of $k$-subspaces of $V$ with $\vert{\cal C}\vert =M$ and minimum subspace distance
$d_s({\cal C})=\min\{d_s(U,U') \vert U,U'\in {\cal C}, U\ne U' \}=d$. The smallest open constant-dimension case occurs when $n = 6$ and $k = 3$. From a projective geometry point of view it translates in the determination of the maximum number of planes in ${\rm PG}(5,q)$ mutually intersecting in at most one point.
In this paper I will describe a construction of CDCs obtained by using the correspondence between quadrics of a projective plane ${\rm PG}(2,q)$ and points of ${\rm PG}(5,q)$. In this setting, a special net of conics (circumscribed bundle) yields a $(6,q^3(q^2-1)(q-1)/3,4;3)_q$ CDC admitting the linear group ${\rm PGL}(3,q)$ as an automorphism group. Although the size of such a code asymptotically reaches the theoretical upper bound of a $(6,M,4;3)_q$ CDC, it turns out that it can be enlarged. This is done by identifying a suitable set of further $(q^2+1)(q^2+q+1)$ planes of ${\rm PG}(5,q)$ mutually intersecting in at most one point and extending the previous code. The $(6,q^3(q^2-1)(q-1)/3+(q^2+1)(q^2+q+1),4;3)_q$ CDC so obtained admits the normalizer of a Singer cyclic group of ${\rm PGL}(3,q)$ as an automorphism group.
[Abstract PDF link]
Generalized rank weights
Alberto Ravagnani
University of Neuchâtel
Generalized rank weights were introduced by Kurihara, Matsumoto and Uyematsu to evaluate the performance of a Gabidulin code when employed to secure a network communication. Generalized rank weights are defined in terms of the intersection of the Gabidulin code with certain linear spaces, called Frobenius-closed, that satisfy a given algebraic property.
We show that Frobenius-closed spaces coincide with optimal anticodes in the rank metric, giving in particular a convenient test to decide whether a linear space is Frobenius-closed or not. This metric description of Frobenius-closed spaces yields a purely metric characterization of generalized rank weights. In particular, it shows a very close analogy between generalized Hamming weights for classical codes and generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes. Moreover, it gives a precise link between generalized rank weights and security drops in network communications.
We then propose a definition of generalized rank weights for Delsarte codes, which we call Delsarte weights, and establish several properties of the new algebraic invariant. We first prove that Delsarte weights refine generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes. Then we show that optimal codes and anticodes are characterized by their Delsarte weights, and that the Delsarte weights of a code determine the Delsarte weights of the dual code.
generalized rank weights, Gabidulin code, Delsarte code.[Abstract PDF link]
Equidistant constant dimension subspace codes
Ago-Erik Riet
University of Tartu, Estonia
(Joint work with Daniele Bartoli, Leo Storme and Peter Vandendriessche)
We consider vector subspace codes, consisting of $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$, such that each pair of codewords, i.e. $k$-spaces intersects exactly in dimension $t$. Such a code is called a sunflower if there is a $t$-space contained in all codewords. Via a reduction to classical codes, it is known that if a code consists of more than $$\left(\frac{q^k-q^t}{q-1}\right)^2 + \frac{q^k-q^t}{q-1}\ + 1$$ codewords, it has to be a sunflower, as noted by Etzion and Raviv [Equidistant Codes in the Grassmannian, 2015]. We are trying to improve this bound for different values of $t$, this is work in progress. For example in the case $t=1$, we right now have an improvement of the bound to $$\left(\frac{q^k-q^t}{q-1}\right)^2 + \frac{q^k-q^t}{q-1}\ + 1 - q^{k-2}.$$
equidistant code, Grassmannian, sunflower, projective plane.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
A geometrical bound for the sunflower property
L. Storme
Ghent University
(Joint work with R.D. Barrolleta, M. De Boeck, E. Suárez Canedo, and P. Vandendriessche)
Let $\mathcal S = \{\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_n\}$ be a collection of $k$-subspaces in $V(\infty,q)$ for some finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, and assume that there exists a positive integer $t$ such that $\dim (\pi\cap \pi')=k-t$ for all $\pi,\pi'\in\mathcal S$ with $\pi\neq\pi'$, then this set $\mathcal{S}$ is called a $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension code.
The classical example of a $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension code is a sunflower. This is a set of $k$-dimensional subspaces through a common $(k-t)$-dimensional subspace.
It is known that large $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension codes are sunflowers.
Theorem 1. Every $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension code $\mathcal{S}$ of $k$-subspaces of cardinality larger than $\left(\frac{q^k-q^{k-t}}{q-1}\right)^2+\left(\frac{q^k-q^{k-t}}{q-1}\right)+1$ is a sunflower.
We determined a geometrical variant of this theorem. We found a bound stating that if the dimension of the space generated by the codewords of the $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension code $\mathcal{S}$ is large enough, then the code is a sunflower.
Theorem 2.
Let $\mathcal S = \{\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_n\}$ be a collection of $k$-subspaces in $V(\infty,q)$ for some finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, and assume that there exists a positive integer $t\ge 3$ such that $\dim (\pi\cap \pi')=k-t$ for all $\pi,\pi'\in\mathcal S$ with $\pi\neq\pi'$.
If $\dim \langle \mathcal S\rangle \ge k+(t-1)(n-1)+2$, then $\mathcal S$ is a sunflower.
A nice property of the preceding bound is that this bound is sharp. If $\dim \langle \mathcal S\rangle = k+(t-1)(n-1)+1$, then $\mathcal S$ is not necessarily a sunflower. We managed to prove that next to the sunflower, there are exactly two types of $(k-t)$-intersecting constant dimension codes $\mathcal{S}$ of $k$-subspaces, for which $\dim \langle \mathcal S\rangle = k+(t-1)(n-1)+1$.
Constant dimension codes, Sunflower property.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Designs on which the unitary group ${U}(3; 3)$ acts transitively
Andrea Švob
University of Rijeka
(Joint work with Dean Crnković and Vedrana Mikulić Crnković)
In this talk we describe a method for constructing transitive $1$-designs from finite groups. We apply this method to construct transitive designs from the simple group $U(3,3)$. Some of the constructed $1$-designs are also $2$-designs. In this talk, we will discuss $2$-designs, obtained using the described method, on which the unitary group $U(3,3)$ acts transitively. The constructed structures will be analysed and described.
transitive design, unitary group.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
Construction of new large sets of designs over the binary field
Alfred Wassermann
University of Bayreuth
A simple $t$-$(v, k, \lambda; q)$ design over a finite field is a pair $({\cal V}, {\cal B})$ consisting of a vector space ${\cal V} = \mbox{GF}(q)^v$ and a set ${\cal B}$ of $k$-dimensional subspaces of ${\cal V}$ such that each $t$‑dimensional subspace of ${\cal V}$ is contained in exactly $\lambda$ members of ${\cal B}$.
The set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of ${\cal V}$, also called the Grassmannian ${\cal G}_q(v, k)$, is always a design, the so called trivial design, having parameters $t$-$(v, k, {v - t \brack k - t}_q; q)$.
An $LS_q[N](t,k,v)$ large set is a set of $N$ disjoint $t$-$(v, k, \lambda; q)$ designs which partitions the trivial $t$-$(v, k, {v - t \brack k - t}_q; q)$ design. Large sets of designs over finite fields have been studied for the first time by Ray-Chaudhuri and Schram (1994). There, the authors used non-simple designs.
The first large sets consisting of simple $t$-designs with $t\geq 2$ have been found recently by Braun, Kohnert, Östergård, Wassermann (2014). Braun, Kiermaier, Kohnert, Laue (in preparation) construct infinite series of large sets based on the known large sets.
We present the construction of a new large set over the binary field having parameters $LS_2[3](2, 4, 8)$, consisting of three disjoint, simple $2$-$(8, 4, 217; 2)$ designs. These design parameters were not know to exist, yet. The automorphism group of the designs is generated by $\langle \sigma^5, \phi^2\rangle$, where $\sigma$ is the Singer cycle and $\phi$ is the Frobenius automorphism. The order of the group is $204$.
Design over finite field, large sets of designs, group of automorphisms.[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]
On self-dual MDS codes
Wolfgang Willems
University of Magdeburg
(Joint work with Gabriele Nebe)
On the $\mathbb{F}_q$-vector space $V=\mathbb{F}_q^{m \times n}$ there exists a duality which is defined by $\langle A,B\rangle =\mbox{trace}(AB^t)$ for $A,B \in V$, where $B^t$ denotes the transpose of $B$. We call ${\cal C} \subseteq V$ self-dual if ${\cal C} = {\cal C}^\perp$ with respect to the above bilinear form. In the class of MRD codes self-dual codes are hard to find. Surprisingly, they do not exist if $q$ is even. In the talk we characterize for $n=m$ self-dual Gabidulin codes with minimum distance $n$. The characterization depends on arithmetical conditions of $q$ and $n$.
[Abstract PDF link] [Presentation PDF link]